On today's show:
Tourism season is booming in Galway following a bumper June Bank Holiday weekend
Minister reassures that Nero-Rehab team is already in the pipeline for this year with recruitment underway
The Government commissioned report on legal fees is now a year overdue

Local Principal says it is all systems go as the Leaving and Junior Certificate exams get underway tomorrow
Planning application for Knocknacarra Integrated Care Hub to be progressed shortly
Garda Slot
The 50 Plus Show, Ireland’s lifestyle event for older people is returning to Galway

Sports Review
Lá spraoi na Gaeilge i nGaillimh (Family fun day As Gaeilge in Galway)
Famous Banshees of Inisherin pub rebuilt in County Galway

‘Galway Talks with Keith Finnegan’ broadcasts every weekday morning from 9am on Galway Bay FM